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Your product selection from Dire Wolf Farm

10lb Hamburger Pack

$65.00 per package

A 10lb package of our 1 & 2lb packs of all natural grass fed ground beef - no hormones or antibiotics.

Pasture Raised

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About Dire Wolf Farm

As stewards of this land, we’re doing things like returning a creek to it’s natural meandering flow. And going pesticide and chemical-free as often as we can. Our Beef Heritage breed Red Devon cattle are docile and the best for grass-fed, delicious beef. They graze naturally on grasses we specifically plant for their health and yours. Our Community We give back everything we learn to our surrounding community. When we’re all living to higher standards, the world begins to shift. Our Innovation We constantly search for and implement innovative, responsible practices for our farming and cattle-raising, like MIG (Management Intensive Grazing) and the absolute least stressful and humane handling of our cows during processing.


Dire Wolf Farm
8100 Flatrock Rd
Stokesdale, NC 27357

More products from Dire Wolf Farm

10lb Hamburger Pack

$65.00 per package

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A 10lb package of our 1 & 2lb packs of all natural grass fed ground beef - no hormones or antibiotics.

Pasture Raised

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